The law “Promotion of Measures to Cope with Global Warming” (full text; timeline) of October 1998, actualized in April 1999, allowed for the establishment of “one National Center for the Promotion of Activities to Cope With Global Warming … whose purpose is to promote activities which contribute to mitigating global warming through such measures as education and dissemination on measures to cope with global warming” [Article 12.1]. Such a National Center was duly established in July 1999, in the form of the Japan Center for Climate Change Actions (JCCCA).

Main Activities
Maintenance of Information Infrastructure: The collection and public dissemination of both national and international information related to global warming and climate change. A central part of this activity consists in the construction and maintenance of a searchable database (currently only in Japanese) of global warming and climate change resources, including for example Internet resources and materials held by the JCCCA.

Promotion of lifestyle reform:
The collection and dissemination of information related to lifestyle reform appropriate to help stop global warming; support for events and symposia aiming at such reform.
Research into methods and technologies apt to help stop global-warming, for application in the public, private and commercial sectors.
Support for Prefectural Centers for Climate-Change Actions: Find a list of these Centers here.
Education and Publicity:
The planning, support, and execution of educative and publicity events relating to climate-change.
Management System
The steering committee, constituted by representatives from citizens groups, industry and government, determines the JCCCA’s overall objectives and budget. The management committee, established by the steering committee, determines a more detailed plan and carries it out. Find a detailed list of people here.

Japan Center for Climate Change Actions
Kudan Nikkana Building 7F, 3-9-12 Kudanminami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan 102-0074
Phone: +81-3–6273-7785  FAX: +81-3-3263-1010
ContactForm: https://www.jccca.org/lp/english-contact


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